Internal Analyses

Internal Analyses to benefit performance, improvements, personnel motivation.

Analyses internal to a company can be actions by themselves or the initial or control step within a broader C&CC intervention programme.

Main internal analyses carried out by C&CC are:
- skill/ talent mapping
- climate analysis
- motivation/ employee loyalty analysis
- internal communication analysis
- performance analysis
- relationship analysis
- fit-gap analysis
- internal stakeholders analysis

And on the field: mystery shopper/ customer/ guest/ citizen/ patient/ caller/ web

Internal Analyses provide an unbiased, accurate and complete picture, to allow the identification of improvement points.

Thanks to specific data, decisions are clear and efficient.



Checking the results
of a decision aginst
its expectations
shows executives what
their strengths are,
where they need to improve,
and where they lack
knowledge or information.

Peter Drucker

CLIENT  Induction      TALENT MAPPING             Motivation

          Stakeholders     ANALYSIS       Fit-Gap        MYSTERY SHOPPER

     PATIENT   Performance Improvement      COMMUNICATION

          RESOURCES    Skills    CITIZEN   IMPROVE    Focus Group

MYSTERY CUSTOMER     Climate         TALENT       Relationships

  Employee Loyalty    SKILLS   Mystery  Caller   SURVEY

          PERFORMANCE     Team         GUEST

So I think
instead of focusing
on competition,
focus on the customer
Scott Cook

C&CC All rights reserved: 2012 - 2016



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