Change & Communication Consulting

MARKET Analyses :  


To know customers and competitors thanks to focussed and unbiased measurements


the market
and the customer
wishes ...

Discovering needs, expectations and preferences to improve the relationship and sales 

Market Analyses aim at knowing the scenario in which owned or franchise boutiques are, because boutiques interact with the external world: boutiques are a powerful interface to customers.

Thanks to accurate, trustworthy and professional analyses, the right decision can be taken and the best action can be chosen, so obtaining results quickly.

The main Market Analyses include:
Brand Awareness Analysis: to evaluate the brand awareness, perception and positioning
Customer Needs and Expectations Analysis: to evaluate customer needs and expectations of the product, service, image
Customer Perception Analysis: to evaluate customer perception of the product, service, image
Customer Satisfaction Analysis: to evaluate the customer satisfaction of the product, service, image
Customer Loyalty Analysis: to evaluate customer loyalty and loyalty building leverages
Customer Segmentation Analysis: to identify new/ different parameters for customer segmentation,  in order to execute more focussed and efficient actions
Stakeholders Mapping: to identify external stakeholders to involve
- Customer Base Analysis: to set current and potential customer base

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